A little person blab..
I've been on a tirade to get a puppy. I've had animals my entire life and since DB and I have been living together, the extent of another life form we've had is a herb plant that I failed to grow.
Perhaps keeping it out of direct sunlight wasn't the best way to ensure it's survival.
I digress.
Work and school is very overwhelming and always enough to fill the schedule but I do have a void I want to fill. Companionship between work and school. A little puppy to cuddle with, take walks with, play with... I just want a dog!
Why else do people want a dog?
I've always been an avid animal rights individual, for the longest time I've tried hard to give my spare time to the various animal rescue agencies in the area. One in particular I adore.
I had a bad day a few weeks ago and to liven my spirits I went to volunteer for a few hours, which turned into about five hours. I just love it. It is a truly uplifting experience to turn a sad scared puppy into a tail-wagging playful little nugget.
The lead volunteer tossed an application my way and one of the questions is "why do you want to have a pet?"
I stumbled to answer. You would think with all said and done I could come up with something but I felt it wasn't good enough. I gave her a confused glance and she just smiled back and said "companionship.. why else?" She was so right.
DB and I have complete opposite schedules and a lot the time when I'm home alone, I mentally entertain going somewhere else to study or taking a break to go shopping because I just hate being alone.
So, I've been in pursuit of looking online at pictures form local agencies and lo and behold last night I found the most adorable puppy. I texted DB about it and he went on his rant and rave about it, he's no enthused with the idea.
Make a long story short, the agency was supposed to be at a local pet shot every Sunday with their adoptables. This morning DB woke me up and said we better get going if you want to go up there and look at the puppies.
HE woke ME up to get me going to see the puppies I've been on a mission to see, albeit his stubbornness and not even wanting to get a puppy.. he still agreed and remembered I want to go!
That is an act of kindness and a reason I love him. :)
But of course... they brought the puppies YESTERDAY because of the NFL game today.
So, we remain puppy-less. Still remain unsure if DB would allow the getting of a puppy, but at decision, couldn't see the little puppy today.
And back to the evading of the studying...
Since we couldn't go puppy looking, I went to get breakfast. I brought my textbook, NCLEX review book and loose leaf paper - intentions of getting work done, right?
I then decided I should go back home and get on the computer to complete a case study, so I come home.
Then I decide it's too hot in the house.. so I change, fool around with the thermostat, turn the fans on...
Then I decide its too quiet (again, I hate solitude and being alone) so I fool around hoping to find a stay pair of headphones. No luck..
I actually then decide to sit on the sofa and crack a book.. I glance up and notice we have an ipod docking station. WTF. Since when? OOOOOOH I remember... that's the surround sound system I threw a fit about when DB bought it when we supposedly "didn't have any spare money." So I never cared to investigate the system.
I can barely operate a remote (true story for another post) but I figured out how to operate this thing & Pandora all at the same time. And alas, the silence is broken.
Until DB came back home and was not pleased with my choice of music, Norah Jones. However thankfully Pandora had recommended a piano-type non-vocal song "like" Norah Jones that he mysteriously was okay with listening to while we study.
I'm not complaining! That's two wins for me today!
Having a blog is yet another way to evade studying, and of course the intermittent facebooking, Post Secrets, the news (yep...), my blog roll, random checking of emails, and internet shopping.
Internet shopping is a worse addiction for me than facebook is to a 16 year old highschooler.
And 99.9% of the time I am just window-internet shopping. Sometimes I'll even put stuff in my cart with intentions to buy and just decide not. It's a lot less guilty to just back out on an "internet cart" than leave a store employee with another task. I know they get paid to do it, but still why complicate things.
Overstock had a "birthday" sale for themselves, didn't find anything all to interesting but still managed to cart two things.
I can't bring myself to buy anything unless I'm 110% convinced I want it.
There are quite a few things left on my agenda to furnish/decorate the house, and until I find that right piece in mind AND at the appropriate price, I won't buy it. No substitutions.
(here is where the movie War of the Roses comes to mind.)
If one of my life worries is finding that perfect piece of furniture, then life must be pretty damn good.
And aside from school driving me nuts... I'd have to agree, it is pretty damn good. :)
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