Sunday, November 21, 2010

Creature of Habit

I always go to the Starbucks in my neighborhood. I've already explained I adore the manager, they take care of me. :)
Well due to some plumbing issues, they are out of commission.

So I'm a transplant at a nearby Starbucks and not happy about it.
I'm going to be a bitchy person and gripe that its FREEZING in here (Hello, Raynaud's Phenomenon!) They don't have hot running water in the bathroom (WTF Starbucks?!) and the baristas got their asses handed to them by the manager, in front of a line of customers.
About who is on bar, register and drive through. Not cool.

And the ultimate... the little bastard on the bar made my drink like so.. (well he started to)
Cup, ice, white mocha...
ME: no! Please don't make it like that! The ice clumps up the white mocha!
(followed by sheepish smile)
Bastard gave me an attitude!!!
Thankfully, the chick on the register said she gets the same drink and told him
"She deserves to have her drink made the way she wants!"

What the FUCK! I don't understand where in Starbucks training you bastards learned to make a drink ass backwards! Having worked for the cult, I know the training. I KNOW they never ever let you do that. You're just lazy and wanted to pollute my drink with ice! Probably because you worked at some lame-ass mom & pop coffee joint that wanted you to fill it with ice to lower the amount of product.

- End Rant -

Okay, I feel better. Now I can finish studying.

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