Tuesday, October 26, 2010


If I had to pick my biggest pet peeve.. It would have to be inefficient people.

Lets me clear on the definition of inefficient:
not producing desired results, wasteful, inadequate, unsatisfactory.

My Starbucks beverage of choice is either an iced white mocha latte or an americano. Difference, milk or water.

Having worked at various coffeehouses and a stint at Starbucks, I am well educated in the proper beverage making protocol.

When making mocha, white mocha, caramel.. you pump the syrup into the cup and then the HOT espresso. Now, a prudent, EFFICIENT barista would know that this is the perfect, appropriate, EFFICIENT, time to swirl the espresso and the syrup to ensure proper blending of the ingredients.

Now... unfortunately, there are more inefficient baristas than there are efficient baristas. And they don't recognizie this prudent, efficient, perfect time to provide their patron with the perfect choice beverage. Pure laziness? Uneducated? Poor training? Doesn't give a shit?

I become an uber asshat and make them remake the drink.
1) Starbucks has a nice sign infront the bar stand where you get your drink that says "if your beverage isn't perfect, let us know and we will make it until it is perfect"
2) When I trained at Starbucks, they made it well known and clear that we are to follow that practice.
3) I'm paying at a minimum, $3 for my drink. You better fucking make it right.
4) I always tip. And that means you better FUCKING make it right.

Last week.. new barista.
Serves me up a drink with 0.5" white mocha at the bottom. Seriously.
Do you think I enjoy having a huge gulp of white mocha?
I ordered a white mocha latte, not a latte with white mocha at the bottom only.
Take the 10 seconds to swirl the espresso with the syrup and deliver me a premier Starbucks beverage. Uphold the brand! Deliver superior customer service! I am a paying, tipping, smiling, coffee ADDICT! You don't mess with a crackmans, crack. Don't mess with my caffeine.

EasilyAmused: Can you please remake this? Now that you've iced the drink the white mocha won't blend..
EasilyAmused: *holds up cup to light to show full goop of white mocha*
Barista: *snatches cup*
SUPERBarista: You have to make sure the espresso melts the syrup before you ice it and add milk.
Barista: *glares at SuperBarista*
EasilyAmused: Thank you SUPERBarista.

Call me a bitch. I don't care. People need to learn to do their jobs. Working at Starbucks isn't a glamorous job but its simple. Just make drinks correctly and asshats like me won't take advantage of company policy and have you remake my $3+ tipped beverage!

Now, onto Subway.
Subway is by school and by work, I am forced to eat it more often than not because of convenience and the local discount.
I get a plain and simple 6" wheat, turkey, lettuce and mayo. Hardly ever change my order.

WHY DO THEY PUT ONE LONG ------------------ LINE OF MAYO!?

Don't you think I'd like mayo on my entire sandwhich not just huge bites of it in the middle!?
Quiznos at least got smart and made a thing with three lines, to cover the entire sandwich!

One time I opened my sandwich and the turkey was smushed to one side, lettuce in the middle by itself, and then goopy mayo all on the other end.
Can I eat my sandwhich with everything in one bite and not have to take 3 separate bites to get the full dressed effect...?

Again, working at subway isn't glamorous and probably gets paid less than Starbucks, but come the fuck on. Your job is to make sandwiches!!!

I can be quite a bitch.

Note: inefficient people do NOT easily amuse me. They easily piss me off.


  1. I do not blame you whatsoever in this regard. I get superbly irritated when something I'm paying good money for is less than stellar quality. Starbucks has rubbed me the wrong way with a few drinks before and I just boiled.

  2. Thank you! My co-worker today is a iced white mocha nut as well and when she showed up with a class with loads of mocha at the bottom she almost died laughing when I told her this.

    It's not that hard of a thing to ask - 10 seconds Baristas, 10 seconds!
