Friday, October 22, 2010

Mid semester blues...

Exam 3 grade was officially posted today and confirmed my grade of 85.
A C, but well above "passing" and only 2 glorious points away from a B. I could have had +5 points if it weren't for my stupidity in miscalculating the ANC question and 4 points for 2 really stupid mistakes regarding glycemic levels and prednisone.. ****double facepalm****

But alas... I'm good to go and passing.

My next exam is 11/1.. and at least the materially is managing to attract my attention, not maintain it yet, but just interesting enough that I went to class. Wait.. I didn't go today.
BUT! I have my textbook with me.

Now that I have my manager-numbers-jardon for the meeting tonight done with, I can update this here blog and then onto the textbook.. What a Friday, huh?

And in other exciting news.. Starbucks FINALLY has free WIFI!
Yea.. I'm one of *those* asshats with my laptop, schoolbag, purse, gigantic starbucks (paying customer, starbucks-card-carrying-gimme-my-free-drink), crackberry and lets not forget the ipod touch. Don't judge me.

But since my stint working at this beloved Starbucks in my neighborhood, I'm still cool with the staff that is still around, and thus the newbies are forced to deal with me too, but I tip well. I feel their pain. And am jealous of their benefits package.

I am a coffee addict. And after all that bitching and pursuit of making my own iced coffee, after a 1 month never-ending-supply of it, I got reaaaally tired of it. I'm back on my iced white mocha latte/occasionally americano binge.

The hospital I'm rotating at now has one of those "pseudo-Starbucks" you know.. "WE PROUDLY BREW STARBUCKS COFFEE!"

And, it's actually not bad. Most of those pseudo-Starbucks are on the crappy end, but this one does the trick. I'm up to 3 coffee beverages a day (and the intermittent diet coke) can you feel my PVCs though the internet?

I blog about coffee way to much. And I suspect, that as a gradute-hopefully-working-RN my coffee habits won't subside, but intensify. Indeed they will intensify if I go back for the BS in biology. Who knows.. T-14 months to decide.

1 comment:

  1. I do not blame you for the coffee. You know, some say that there is no life until that first sip in the morning...

    Anyway, I recently came across you blog and as someone who's always been in school, and then suddenly taking a two year break after undergrad, I am loving the school-related details that used to suffocate (I say that with love) my life.

    RN school is no joke; seems like you're taking it well!

    Looking forward to more posts. But you know, AFTER you get all your studying out of the way and stuff :)
